
Signer is required in a transaction, it is to add a layer of security. Ensure no one can manipulate other’s wallet


prototype . signMessage ( message )   => Promise<string>

Signs message and returns a Promise that resolves to the flat-format signature.

If message is a string, it is converted to UTF-8 bytes, otherwise it is preserved as a binary representation of the Arrayish data.

signing text messages
let privateKey = "0xca250aeca008d36b4b4ff83709343c9e4c4ea461e5aa5fa51d57a0fe11eb045e";
let wallet = new mxw.Wallet(privateKey);

// Sign a text message
return wallet.signMessage("Hello Blockchain!").then((signature) => {

    // Flat-format
    // expected result:
    // 0xc49045d2fd3f591c86b1c35ed90315f6b42791401854c5164461946c8f5fea98
    //   0229683de3459716cd7d1e5f9502811766a5eaf9c96c64c1625aaad815cdc3741c

    // Expanded-format
    // expected result:
    // {
    //     r: "0xc49045d2fd3f591c86b1c35ed90315f6b42791401854c5164461946c8f5fea98",
    //     s: "0x0229683de3459716cd7d1e5f9502811766a5eaf9c96c64c1625aaad815cdc374",
    //     v: 28,
    //     recoveryParam: 1
    // }
signing binary messages
let privateKey = "0xca250aeca008d36b4b4ff83709343c9e4c4ea461e5aa5fa51d57a0fe11eb045e";
let wallet = new mxw.Wallet(privateKey);

// The 66 character hex string MUST be converted to a 32-byte array first!
let hash = "0x48656c6c6f20426c6f636b636861696e21";
let binaryData = mxw.utils.arrayify(hash);

wallet.signMessage(binaryData).then((signature) => {

    // expected result:
    // "0xc49045d2fd3f591c86b1c35ed90315f6b42791401854c5164461946c8f5fea98
    //    0229683de3459716cd7d1e5f9502811766a5eaf9c96c64c1625aaad815cdc3741c

    let address = mxw.utils.verifyMessage(binaryData, signature);
    // expected result:
    // Should be equal to signer wallet address mxw1x7tp9tt7mu0jm6qdmljgntvzzp53lrtndr7h8x
prototype . sign ( transaction )   => Promise<string>

Signs transaction and returns a Promise that resolves to the signed transaction as a hex string.

In general, the sendTransaction method is preferred to sign, as it can automatically populate values asynchronously.

Check on Transaction and Transaction reciept for more details.

signing transactions
let privateKey = "0xca250aeca008d36b4b4ff83709343c9e4c4ea461e5aa5fa51d57a0fe11eb045e";
let networkProvider = mxw.getDefaultProvider("localnet");
let wallet = new mxw.Wallet(privateKey, provider);

// expected result:
// "mxw1x7tp9tt7mu0jm6qdmljgntvzzp53lrtndr7h8x"

let amount = mxw.utils.parseMxw("1.0");

// All properties are optional, except fee
let transaction = {
    type: "cosmos-sdk/StdTx",
    value: {
        msg: [
                type: "mxw/MsgSend",
                value: {
                    amount: [
                            amount: amount,
                            denom: "cin",
                    from_address: wallet.address,
                    to_address: "mxw1j4yh2gfumy8d327n0uvztg9075fjzd59vxf9ae",
        memo: "Hello Blockchain"
    fee: provider.getTransactionFee("bank", "bank-send")

wallet.sign(transaction).then((signedTransaction) => {

    // Should be base64 encoded string

    provider.sendTransaction(signedTransaction).then((tx) => {

        // Should be transaction response with transaction hash value

        // Query transaction receipt by transaction hash
        provider.waitForTransaction(tx.hash).then((receipt) => {

            //expected result:
            //1 (means success)

Cryptographic Functions

prototype . computeSharedSecret ( otherPublicKey )   => string
Compute the shared secret by using other wallet’s public key and returns as a hex string. In general, the shared secret should not directly uses as encryption key. Instead of derive it using pbkdf2.
compute shared secret using own private key and other public key
let wallet = mxw.Wallet.createRandom();
let otherWallet = mxw.Wallet.createRandom();
//expected result:
//a hexstring, something like this

Blockchain Operations

These operations require the wallet have a provider attached to it.

prototype . getBalance ( )   => Promise<BigNumber>
Returns a Promise that resolves to the balance (as a BigNumber, in cin) of the wallet. Be aware of the number of decimals for cin is 18. The balance can be convert to a human readable format by formatMxw, versa parseMxw.
check wallet balance
    let privateKey = "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001";
    let wallet = new mxw.Wallet(privateKey,uatProvider);
        console.log(mxw.utils.formatMxw("Wallet balance: " + balance));
    // Expected result
    // Wallet balance: 0.0
prototype . getTransactionCount ( )   => Promise<BigNumber>
Returns a Promise that resovles to the number of transactions this account has ever sent (as a BigNumber).
query the network
// We require a provider to query the network
let networkProvider = mxw.getDefaultProvider("localnet");

let privateKey = "0x0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef";
let wallet = new mxw.Wallet(privateKey, provider);

wallet.getBalance().then((balance) => {
    console.log("Balance: " + mxw.utils.formatMxw(balance));
    //expected result:
    //Balance: 0.0

wallet.getTransactionCount().then((nonce) => {
    console.log("Transaction Count: " + mxw.utils.formatMxw(nonce));
    //expected result:
    //Transaction Count: 0.0
prototype . transfer ( AddressOrName, value )   => Promise<TransactionReceipt>

Sends the transfer transaction to the network and returns a Promise that resolves to a Transaction Receipt.

The AddressOrName can be set to recipient alias or wallet address. The value is the number of cin (as a BigNumber) that transfers to recipient. Be aware of the number of decimals for cin is 18.

transfer mxw
// We require a provider to send transactions
let networkProvider = mxw.getDefaultProvider("localnet");

let privateKey = "0x0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef";
let wallet = new mxw.Wallet(privateKey, provider);

let to = "mxw1j4yh2gfumy8d327n0uvztg9075fjzd59vxf9ae";
// ... or supports Alias names
// to: "jeansoon",

let amount = mxw.utils.parseMxw("1.0");
// We must pass in the amount as cin (1 mxw = 1e18 cin), so we
// use this convenience function to convert mxw to cin.

wallet.transfer(to, amount).then((receipt) => {
    //expected result:
    //1 (means success)
prototype . sendTransaction ( transaction )   => Promise<TransactionResponse>
Sends the transaction (see Transaction Requests) to the network and returns a Promise that resolves to a Transaction Response. Any properties that are not provided will be populated from the network.

Encrypted JSON Wallets

Many systems store private keys as encrypted JSON wallets, in various formats. There are several formats and algorithms that are used, all of which are supported to be read. Only the secure scrypt variation can be generated.

See Wallet.fromEncryptedJson for creating a Wallet instance from a JSON wallet.

prototype . encrypt ( password [ , options [ , progressCallback ] ] )   => Promise<string>

Encrypts the wallet as an encrypted JSON wallet, with the password.

All options are optional. The valid options are:

  • salt — the salt to use for scrypt
  • iv — the initialization vector to use for aes-ctr-128
  • uuid — the UUID to use for the wallet
  • scrypt — the scrypt parameters to use (N, r and p)
  • entropy — the mnemonic entropy of this wallet; generally you should not specify this
  • mnemonic — the mnemonic phrase of this wallet; generally you should not specify this
  • path — the mnemonic path of this wallet; generally you should not specify this

If the progressCallback is specified, it will be called periodically during encryption with a value between 0 and 1, inclusive indicating the progress.

encrypt a wallet as an encrypted JSON wallet
let password = "any strong password";

function callback(progress) {
    console.log("Encrypting: " + parseInt(progress * 100) + "% complete");

return wallet.encrypt(password, callback).then((json) => {
    // expected result:
    // a JSON text contain address, id and various info of the wallet.

Signer API

The Signer API is an abstract class which makes it easy to extend and add new signers, that can be used by this library and extension libraries. The Wallet extends the Signer API.

To implement a Signer, inherit the abstract class mxw.types.Signer and implement the following properties:

object . provider
Returns Provider that is connected to the network. This is optional, however, without a provider, only write-only operations should be expected to work.
object . getAddress ( )   => Promise<Address>
Returns a Promise that resolves to the account address.
object . signMessage ( message )   => Promise<hex>

Returns a Promise that resolves to the Flat-Format Signature for the message.

If message is a string, it is converted to UTF-8 bytes, otherwise it is preserved as a binary representation of the Arrayish data.

object . sign ( transaction )   => Promise<hex>
Returns a Promise that resolves to the signed transaction that ready to send to the network.
object . sendTransaction ( transaction )   => Promise<TransactionResponse>
Sends the transaction (see Transaction Requests) to the network and returns a Promise that resolves to a Transaction Response. Any properties that are not provided will be populated from the network.